영어생활백서 21. 술자리 표현

2010-05-18     Shannon L. Tanghe (TESOL)교수

저번 주 축제를 실컷 즐기셨나요? 아침마다 보였던 수많은 맥주병들로 추측해 보건데, 아마 밤새 음주가무와 함께 재미난 시간을 보낸 것 같네요. 축제 기간 중 생긴 추억들을 잘 간직하시고 아래의 표현들도 기억해보세요. 그리고 다음 술자리에서 꼭 사용해 보기 바랍니다.

※ 한국에서와 마찬가지로 술에 관련된 재밌는 표현은 영어로도 아주 많습니다.

■ ‘취하다’의 익살스런 표현들
Smashed, gone, 3 sheets to the wind, inebriated, loaded, hammered, blitzed, bombed, messed up, sloshed, trashed, toasted, wasted

■ ‘토하다’의 익살스런 표현들
Toss your cookies, technicolor yodel, worshipping the porcelain god (toilet), hurl, upchuck, spew, barf, blow chunks, ralph, puke, spew, yack

◈ Let’s Talk

ByungYeop:  Hey, let’s grab a beer at the festival.
SangChun:  Sure, the first one’s on me (I’ll buy the first one)
ByungYeop:  Great!
(A couple of hours later after multiple games of 3,6,9 and ‘President’(a popular American drinking game)
SangChun: Wow, you’re really smashed!
ByungYeop: What? I’m, not drunk, I’m just happy.
SangChun: And I’m Santa Claus. (said when the last statement is obviously not true.) Come on, you?e drunk as a skunk.
ByungYeop: Ok, maybe I’m a liiiiiiiiiiiittle tired.  Take me drunk, I’m home. (Take me home, I’m drunk? but slurred speech to do being drunk.)
SangChun:  Hahaha, definitely time to go, before you black out. (Pass out/lose consciousness) I just want to get you home before you hurl. (vomit)  You’re going to have a huge hangover (to feel sick the morning after drinking) tomorrow!