영어생활백서 22. 칭찬표현

2010-05-25     Shannon L. Tanghe(TESOL) 교수

“와, 당신 정말 멋진데요!” 칭찬은 다른 사람의 하루를 밝은 빛으로 밝혀주는 가장 쉬운 방법입니다. 아래 대화문에는 다른 사람을 칭찬하고 싶을 때 쓸 수 있는 유용한 표현들이 많이 등장해요. 이 표현들을 사용해서 타인에게 사랑을 전하세요. 그리고 그 칭찬 속에는 반드시 ‘진심’이 담겨야 합니다. 감정 없는 뻔한 칭찬은 아무 의미가 없다는 것을 명심하세요!

■ 상대방을 칭찬하는 표현들
You’re the apple of my eye. : 당신은 나의 소중한 존재예요.
I think he’s the bee’s knees. : 그는 정말 훌륭해.
You are my sunshine. : 너는 나의 햇살/태양이야.
She’s the cat’s meow. : 그녀는 고양이 울음소리 같아(그녀는 정말 예뻐/귀여워).
■ 비유적인 칭찬 표현들
You’re as cute as a button! : 당신 정말 귀여워요!
As pretty as a picture. : 그림처럼 아름답군요.
As sweet as honey. : 벌꿀처럼 달콤하네요.
As cool as a cat. : 고양이처럼 쿨한데요.

◈ Let’s Talk
John:Oh Mrs. Kim, what a lovely necklace you have on today.
Mrs. Kim:Thank you.
SangChun:You’re the apple of my eye!
Mrs. Kim:Well, aren’t you just the bee’s knees!
MinHee:You are the best teacher I’ve ever had.  You’re so kind and make learning fun.  And you’re pretty too. That’s the icing on the cake. [describes something good, while adding another good thing]
SuJin:And, you have the most amazing smile.
Michael:What a gorgeous shirt you have on today!
JiSoo:You’re the spitting image of  (look exactly like) Yoona Kim.
Jay:Yeah, you’re as cute as a button.
Greg:And as pretty as a picture. 
Lucy:As sweet as honey.
MiKyung:Oooh, and as wise as an owl…
Mrs. Kim:All right, all right, that’s enough flattery [giving excessive compliments to get something]!  What’s going on?  You are all just being way too sweet today.  This is over the top. [too much, excessive]
Mrs. Kim:Drats!  I knew it was too good to be true!