영어생활백서 27. 야구장에서

2010-10-12     Shannon L. Tanghe (TESOL) 교수

당신은 ‘두산 베어스’ 팬인가요? 아니면 ‘삼성 라이온즈’를 응원하나요? 선선하고 상쾌한 가을날 야구경기 보며 응원하는 것만큼 좋은 일도 없죠. 당신이 응원하는 팀이 꼭 이번 시즌에서 우승하길 바래요!

※ ‘나는 ~의 팬이야.’
I’m a Bears fan.
I’m rooting/cheering/going for the Lions.
I’m on the Samsung side.
The Bears are my team.

※ 상대팀을 크게 이기다
To beat/kill/cream/slaughter
To win by a landslide

※ 다양한 응원 표현들
Go Doosan!
Lions all the way!
※파이팅(fighting)이 콩글리쉬인 것 아시죠? 파이팅은 한국에서만 쓰는 말입니다.


◈ Let’s Talk
Nina:  Hey are you watching the Doosan/Samsung game tonight?
SangHyuk:  Absolutely. The Bears are going to cream the Lions.  Go Doosan!
Nina:  What? Are you serious? Lions is going to win by a landslide. The Bears are dead meat.
SangHyuk: Do you really think so? How about a friendly wager? (a bet)
Nina: Sure! I bet you 10,000 won the Doosan Bears beat the Samsung Lions.
SangHyuk: Ah, that’s no fun. How about this? the loser has to carry the winner’s books and bags around for a day.
Nina: A day? That’s a piece of cake. (very easy)  Let’s make it a week! 
SangHyuk: You’re on! (Yes!) Let’s go, Bears, all the way!


일러스트:문새별 기자